Sometimes the most common mistake we make as Christians is thinking that the smallest amount of faith will get us by. We think that as long as we read the Bible every now and then, and as long as we pray some times, God's got us. I can't tell you how many times this year ALREADY I have had several disturbing and sad conversations with people who honestly believe that they don't have to go to church every Sunday. They believe that they can have their own service by reading one scripture and saying a simple prayer. Although everyone has their Sundays where they are too tired to go to church because they are sick or they truly need to stay at home to talk to God, the saddest part about these conversations is people truly believe they can make it for the rest of their lives doing that. They believe that God does not require us to do more than crack open our Bibles maybe once a week, and that all we truly have to do is at least say grace. People, I'm here to tell you today that you cannot just talk to God when you feel like it. You cannot love God from a distance and expect God to bless you continuously. You have to put forth effort towards a relationship with Him just like He does with you. You cannot have half of your faith in God, and the other half of your faith in a significant other. That other half of faith cannot be placed in your parents, your friends, not even yourself. You need to trust Him with your whole heart. How can you place all of your trust in a person who had nothing to do with your being here? You were not created by a significant other! People deal with heartbreak every single day. Heartbreak HURTS. It truly hurts. To know that all of your time, effort, and love seems to have been wasted is a horrible feeling. But do you know what makes that pain 10 times worse? Loving that person more than you loved God! People are constantly trying to fill a void inside of themselves by giving all they love they have to another human, all in the hope of receiving it right back. That is the mistake we make, and that is what gets us hurt. If you would first focus your energy on loving God before all else, then loving yourself just as you are, you can then go and love someone else. But because you love another person more than you love God, you are constantly disappointed and miserable. God knows your heart better than you do. Why are you so selfish with something that He truly longs to care for? Make the choice today to put more effort into your relationship with God. We have no problem wanting to work harder to keep a person around because we love them, but why do we have a problem working to keep God near? We take His presence for granted daily, but the truth is, He can take it all away from us in an instant! Learn to love Him wholeheartedly, and spend more time with Him. Stay in His word, and talk to him continually. You'll see results, I promise! Sometimes we feel God has abandoned us and we shouldn't try harder to reach Him. The truth is God is RIGHT THERE the entire time, buried under all the things we place higher on our list of importance. He's right there, waiting on us to come back to Him, to yearn for Him, to love Him, to turn to Him and live for Him. All God wants is your agreement and effort. Allow Him to do the rest! I hope this post has helped someone make the decision to draw closer to God and has encourage someone. God loves us dearly and always wants what is best for us. That is better than anything any significant other could ever give us or do for us. Be blessed!
"Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" - Matthew 22:37
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