Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? It could be anything. Overeating, biting your nails, something more serious like drugs, or just something small. Whatever it is, have you noticed that while you're trying to break that habit, you end up setting unrealistic goals for yourself? I know I'm guilty of that. I'll try to break a habit and tell myself that I (by myself) will stop doing this..FOREVER! Well after about a day or two, I find myself breaking the habit. You see, my first mistake was that I put it in my mind I'll never mess up again. The second mistake was that I tried to do it by myself!
I love Twitter. I can get retweeted or tweeted by celebrities (if I get lucky), meet new people, see interesting tweets, say whatever is on my mind, and just have fun. One night, while I was on Twitter, I saw a tweet someone posted. It was something along the lines of, "God wants to fix it, you just have to give Him ALL of the broken pieces." That spoke to me. And right then and there, I prayed to God and told Him that I truly wanted to break my bad habit. And in my mind I pictured myself picking up every broken piece of me and handing it to Him. In my heart I truly believe I gave it over to God that night. And I haven't gone back on it yet. It hasn't been very long since that occurred, but I believe I am delivered from it!
One of the biggest things I'm learning right now, is that I have to take it day by day. Every day that I go without going back to that habit is an accomplishment for me. I no longer say that I won't EVER do it again, because we all sin. However, I do believe that I am done with it. I can't think TOO far ahead on it, because that puts pressure on you. And when you have too much pressure, you end up losing sight of what's really important: your connection with and faith in God. When I make it through a day without going back, I thank God for that from the bottom of my heart. I say, "Whew, thank you Jesus for helping me with that today. Thank you Father, for keeping me on track and keeping me close to you." Now, do I get tempted during the day? Of course! There is always that little voice nagging at me, trying to convince me that one time won't hurt. But every time I hear that voice (which we know is the enemy), I feel God tugging at my heart, saying "Hey, remember when you gave this over to Me? I've got it. Don't go back. I love you enough to help you through this. You gave EVERY piece to me. Keep moving forward." And I immediately feel better, and I gain the strength I need to resist temptation.
My point is, yes, it takes time to completely break a habit. And yes it also takes time to completely give something over to God. Although it only took me within a few minutes of seeing that tweet to give my problem to God, it also had been years since I picked up this habit. That tweet came after years of stubbornness and many failed attempts at fixing it on my own.
Give your problems to God and you will gain peace. Our Father truly does enjoy taking our problems from us and helping us out. He loves us just that much to do that for every single one of us. He just wants us to come to Him.
I hope this helped someone out there today. If I can do it, you can too! No scriptures today, just a little honesty. :)
Until next time,
Peace, Love, and Truth
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