Have you all ever seen the show, "You're Cut Off!"? Well, it's a show about nine young women who are extremely spoiled. They aren't wealthy, but someone they live with is. They think they're gonna be on a show about being rich but really they're not. Their person [whoever provides for them] pops up on a TV screen and tells them they spend too much money so they're cutoff. The women are devastated and some even start crying. So the show goes on for like 8 or 9 weeks, and if they make it to the graduation they get to see their family and they tell them new rules and blah blah blah. It's quite possibly the DUMBEST show I've ever seen, right next to Flavor of Love. But that's not my point! I got to thinking, "What if we cut people off who spend too much of our time instead of our money?" You know, the people we allow to suck all of our energy, take up all of our time, and just leave us completely drained? You know, the random bad seeds the devil plants in our lives in order to distract us from walking into our purpose God has for us? Yeah, THOSE people. What if we just cut them off? How much more space would you have in YOUR life? How free would you feel? Would you be able to take a deep breath? I have. I've been cutting people off left and right, and I realize that I had too many people in my life that were seriously blocking me from God. When you clear all of those people, you realize how much foolishness you really took part in. It just makes you shake your head. You realize that was never you and that you're SO much better than that! Anyway, today I challenge you all to cut some people off. I bet you don't even have to think that hard. You already knew what people you shouldn't have in your life when you first started reading this. It doesn't have to be a rude process. You can just start off not replying to certain texts, not answering phone calls. When they ask you to hang out, get involved in the church or with friends who are bettering themselves. Occupy yourself so that you don't have to lie and say you have something else to do. You really will have other plans. They'll get the message eventually. But if you're more like me, tell them straight up: "I don't like your ways, and unless you're willing to change, we can't be as close as we used to. I'm really trying to go somewhere, get closer to God. And that doesn't seem to be on your agenda. But I'm praying for you!" It's really that simple. So start on it. Don't wait any longer. Stop putting it off. Get over your fears. Don't let your fear of hurting someone's feelings interrupt YOUR life! You need to be happy first. If you spend all your time making others happy, you'll be miserable. People pleasing will wear you out! [BTW, I'm writing a post called, "Hi My Name Is Carmen...and I'm A People Pleaser!" Be on the lookout :)] Work on that this week, and I promise your life will be better. Peace, Love, and Truth. :)
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame. - 1 Corinthians 15:33-34