Hey guys. It's Monday [remember to push through..God gave us another day!] and spring break is one week away! Woohoo! Even though my friends in Memphis are already on spring break, [which kind of takes away my reason for even trying to go visit] I am getting so many things done on my spring break! God is allowing things I've been worried about to come through on this spring break. God always makes things work out in His time. Like the song, "He may not come when you want Him, but He'll be there right on time. I tell ya, He's an on time God, yes He is!" I love that song. Anyway!! When I really think about it..I'm so blessed I can't even remember everything God has done for me. What an awesome love: to be given peace, love, and even materialistic stuff and not have the burden of remembering it all. God doesn't require us to write down every blessing He has given us. He loves it when we remember and thank Him. He doesn't hold it over our heads what He's done for us. My point? God doesn't rub it in our faces about everything He's done for us. He gives freely and loves freely. So why do we have such an issue giving to others what isn't ours in the first place? Everything belongs to God. God made it. Why do we act selfish? We remind people constantly of the things we have loaned them or given them. Why do we get so hooked on temporary things? Regardless of if you go to heaven or hell, you will not have any of the items we fight over and sometimes ruin relationships for. The love of money is the root of all evil and we must learn to avoid it. You have to love God more than ANYTHING in this world. You have to love the Creator more than the creations. You've got to learn to love God to the point where nothing can shake that love. You know how you meet someone, feel like it's true love and no matter what people say or what comes your way, nothing can change your view? Take that love and multiply it by the biggest number you know. God loves us more than that. [yeah I know, wow!] Nothing can shake God's love for us. Although this post was more about being grateful, it was about loving God too. We have got to get to that point of no return with our love for God. When we get that deep in Him, people have to search God in order to find us! Think on that, it's deep. Anyway, as you all know, I have a gospel song for ANY situation. I can think up a song about pretty much anything. Right now I have three songs in mind: Grateful by Hezekiah Walker, Be Grateful by Walter Hawkins, and More Than Anything by Lamar Campbell. Now if this was just for me I would definitely post the Walter Hawkins song because I love me some Walter Hawkins! Do you hear me?! I LOVE his music! But I feel this song by Lamar Campbell is more appropriate because it talks about loving God more than anything! That's what we need to do. Plus, it's one of my dad's favorites. We used to listen to it often! If I'm not mistaken, this was the song programmed to play next on my uncle's CD player when my dad went to his apartment after he passed about a year ago. So people recognize that to love God is a very big deal. Listen to the song, and this week the challenge is to learn about God's love. Discover how deep it is, how unlimited it is, how AWESOME it is. Read about it and live in it! God's love is everlasting...
-Peace, Love, and Truth. :)
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. - Deuteronomy 6:5
Beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I appreciate the feedback. :)