Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Blessed! Are You?

I don't feel like writing today. Today has not been my day. I let myself get so upset that even I forgot my advice from yesterday about positive thoughts (yeah, I messed up). I put on my Facebook status that I was taking suggestions for the topic today. My friend Rhi suggested that I write on things that make me blessed. And you know what? That's an awesome idea. All day I've been focusing on how frustrated I am and what I THINK I need. Once I get through writing this I'll probably feel much better because I'll realize again all that God has blessed me with. So let's go.

God has blessed me with:
-life. So many times we think we just deserve to be here and still alive. I know that with some of the stuff I've pulled in life, I should be gone. But God saw fit to let me change my life and get closer to Him. Not to say it's not a struggle as a teenager, but I do realize that I owe myself to Him.
-family. Man, living in a house with six other people and another on the way IS NOT EASY. But, without my family I would be so messed up! My little sisters [ages 6,5, and almost 2] drive me crazy some days. Well actually they drive me up a wall most days. But what siblings don't? That's part of living together. I love my family and no matter what I'll always be thankful for them.
-school. School is a mess. You've got homework, classwork, tests, drama, little females who are trying to find themselves and as a result they down others based off of their insecurities, and then you have guys who mainly focus on sex. So where do you find the blessing in that, you ask? Well..think about it. School can be so awesome! I have met some of the best friends through school! In Elementary School I met my best BEST friend, Erin. We're still close. In Middle School, I met a couple of more really close friends. In High School, I've met some really awesome people who have kept me sane through all my transitions in my life. Not to mention, school helps you learn more. School is so awesome, that I'm going to do homework as soon as I finish writing this.
-friends. I probably should have used the other paragraph for this, but friends are amazing! My daddy always says that if you have two or three REAL friends in life, you're blessed. And I believe God has blessed me with some of the greatest friends ever. They allow me to be myself and don't judge me, still taking the responsibility of telling me when I'm in the wrong.
-everything else. We always say God has done more than enough in our lives, so much we can't tell it all! And I really can't. My mind can't even begin to think about it all. But, that's okay. God knows. And what is so amazing is that He has blessed me beyond measure, and is STILL blessing me, and will CONTINUE to bless me. If that doesn't blow your mind, you need to go do some more thinking! He blesses us even when we treat Him SO wrong. He pays back rejection, disobedience, and intentional hurting with kindness. Who does that?! Not us!! That's amazing!

What has God blessed you with? You can your comments. The only way to remember the marvelous things God has done in our lives is by remembering and sharing! That keeps us in line and makes us want to praise Him even more! So feel free to comment.

Peace, Love, and Truth. :)

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! - Psalm 107:1

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. - James 1:17

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