I just want to put a post out. My blog is not dead! It has been neglected. I'll admit it. It has been very, very neglected. But I'm bringing it back! Showing it some love! Give me about 2 more weeks, and I will have plenty to say! Me being busy is not the main reason that it hasn't been up and running, I just..got lazy. I'm falling back in love with Jesus, and working on myself before college starts, so give me a little time before all of the inspirational posts come back. However, I do have plenty to say about life. I've learned so much!! I don't have time for it tonight, but I will very soon! I just had to come back on here and say something. I'm really good at creating things, or coming up with the best ideas and then never messing with them again. I'm determined to keep this up for awhile. So, stick around everyone! It will be up and running, with plenty of posts coming out soon!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, and Truth! :)